Monitoring the mash temperature
We all know that mashing temperature as a huge influence on the final product, but how well do we record it during the process? I, for one, do a terrible job and writing down that information and without good brew day notes and data, it's nearly impossible to analyze why the beer finished at a different gravity than expected or why there's an unexpected flavour present. Sure, I have the strike and target temperatures in Brewtarget, but that's not always what happens on my brew day. What if I make a mistake in my decoction volume or strike temp calculation? If I don't note it down properly, I might remember that something went wrong, but chances are it'll be foggy... Temperature Monitor Enter my mash temperature monitor. As a software developer, I figured I should leverage that to keep track of the readings, especially since my hand-writing is hard to decipher. So I set out to build my own glorified thermometer. Originally, I was using an Arduino Uno, but it felt